Saturday, March 13, 2010

Wilma Dean: (voiceover) Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, glory in the flower, we will grieve not: rather find strength in what remains behind.
Splendor In The Grass

We've all lost an hour last night (with the beginning of Day Light Savings),
fortunately we'll get that hour back in the fall. But there are many loses that are more difficult to recapture. The more you live life, the more losses you seem to accumulate. Now I'm not talking lost car keys or glasses (which seem to become more prevalent with the passage of time!), but rather the loss of loved ones, friendships, a relationship, beloved pets, a job, youthfulness.

Things change, losses occur, it's inevitable. What is not inevitable is to fold under the weight of these losses. Time is valuable, we've only got so much - it's important to use it wisely ... FEEL the LOSS and MOVE ON (it helps to find the car keys so you can drive to a friends house and commiserate).

There's no time to be wasting. This is the real thing. Happiness is a choice and sometimes effort is needed. We've lost one hour already - no need to be losing any more!

Cool Tip: Want to avoid that time consuming, frustrating, infuriating feeling when you're threading a needle and the thread gets all tangled up? Rub a dryer sheet on the thread - and it'll straighten itself all out. See you've got much more time to enjoy yourself already !!!!


  1. I certainly didn't lose an hour! In my mind I actually slept until 7:30 instead of 6:30...its all in the rationalization! Makes my life work perfectly! HA!

  2. Also with threading a needle remember to thread with the end coming off of the spool not the end you cut. I learned this from my couture sewing book and it makes a big difference.
