Captain: Wait, that doesn't look like Earth.
Where's the blue sky?
Where's the grass?
Wall- E (2008)
In the movie Wall-E, a lone robot is left with the unthinkable task of cleaning up Earth. The Humans had left many hundreds of years before, and were floating around on a space ship, preparing for a return once Earth was all cleaned up. By this time, however, they were so obese that they could only lounge around on hover chairs. All their meals were delivered by straws. (YUCK).
On Earth, Wall-E shares his life with his only friend, a cockroach, and spends his time collecting artifacts and watching old VHS movies. One day he finds a small plant, and recognizing that is has some value, plants it in an old dirt filled shoe.
Eve, a reconnaissance Robot, is deployed from the space ship to see if there's any life form on Earth. Wall-E falls in love with Eve (Eveeeea), but she really is only interested in her mission. She gets wisked away back to the mother ship - with WALL-E hanging onto the side. A big adventure ensues and their fate is truly unclear.
If this isn't all totally depressing, the ending does have some hope, with Wall-E and Eve returning to Earth with the plant, to discover that outside the junk city, plants are beginning to grow. Eve reboots Wall-E and they fall in love - robot style and I'm thinking live happily ever after.
In recognition of Earth Day, it does give me time to pause and think about our valuable resources. How we need to appreciate what we have - always in life. How we shouldn't take things for granted. How we need to take care of the things that are important to us - both material things, and certainly our own bodies. Gratitude is a big helper ... feeling grateful for our place on this planet, honoring the many gifts we've all been given, and having respect for the Earth, can help prevent what Wall-E was faced with.
Being the good stewards of our Earth ... will make it a better place for those who come behind us. We owe them that !!!
Cool Tip: Instead of using ceramic pots for plants, use Ice Cream Containers. How fun will they all look - all the flavors and graphics ... and it's so good for our planet (maybe not our waistlines ... but in moderation - I say it's OK !)
What a good reason to go buy some ice cream today...I'm thinking Green Tea or Rocky Road...GBGV girl