Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Elwood P. Dowd: I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with.
Harvey (1950 Film with James Stewart)

Elwood P. Dowd was an incredibly optimistic man who believed that he was accompanied by a 6ft Tall White Rabbit named Harvey. No one actually sees Harvey, to Elwood he is quite real. Elwood's sister takes great offense with the notion of her brothers invisible friend and has Elwood committed to a local sanitarium. (In today's world he'd probably be admitted to some type of rehab but back then it was the classic mental hospital with the guys in white coats).Through out his entire ordeal Elwood never looses his conviction about having this invisible spirit besides him. In the end even the neigsayers aren't sure ... and you're left with the feeling that Harvey was indeed very real.

To have a sense of conviction and an optimistic attitude can only serve us well. To keep life going in a positive way, it's important to have a positive attitude. Our life is very much lived in our thoughts and perceptions. Have uplifting thoughts and you'll have a better day. Be cheerful and upbeat and you'll see the results. Keep those invisible negative pals away.

Call me crazy, but I too believe that there are spirits or forces that we actually don't see. I try really hard only to make friends with the good ones !!! So have a wonderful Easter in the Elwood P. Dowd tradition.

Cool Tip: If you've ever suffered with Hat Hair (under your Easter Bonnet or any other Bonnet) ... (for short hair) use a spray bottle of water to get rid of the effects , (for longer hair) try putting it in a scrunchy on top of your head before you wear your hat, baseball cap or riding helmet. If all else fails, dry shampoo can help.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Girl: How come you don't play (your music) during the daytime? I see you here everyday.
Guy: During the daytime people would want to hear the songs that they know, just songs that they recognize. I play these songs at night or I wouldn't make any money. People wouldn't listen.
Girl: I listen.

This quote was from the 2007 film set in Dublin (now that's a St Patrick's Day Tie-In!). The story was one of two individuals who share a passion for music. They have a romantic interlude, and it looks like it may be a happy ending for the two of them together ... but because of complications and former involvements their paths part. She couldn't follow him to London,, where he was pursuing his music, because she had a little kid and an estranged husband - who she then reconciled with.

The two lessons for me in this film, are to follow your dreams and to be responsible to your obligations. It truly is possible.

Following your passion is essential to having a truly meaningful life. It's not a selfish thing, because the happier you are the happier you can be for the people around you. Sometimes finding a passion isn't so easy ... but with some introspection and sometimes some guidance, there's passion inside all of us.

Cool Tip: See the movie Once (it has an amazing soundtrack) and if you're GREEN with ENVY - find another color !!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Wilma Dean: (voiceover) Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, glory in the flower, we will grieve not: rather find strength in what remains behind.
Splendor In The Grass

We've all lost an hour last night (with the beginning of Day Light Savings),
fortunately we'll get that hour back in the fall. But there are many loses that are more difficult to recapture. The more you live life, the more losses you seem to accumulate. Now I'm not talking lost car keys or glasses (which seem to become more prevalent with the passage of time!), but rather the loss of loved ones, friendships, a relationship, beloved pets, a job, youthfulness.

Things change, losses occur, it's inevitable. What is not inevitable is to fold under the weight of these losses. Time is valuable, we've only got so much - it's important to use it wisely ... FEEL the LOSS and MOVE ON (it helps to find the car keys so you can drive to a friends house and commiserate).

There's no time to be wasting. This is the real thing. Happiness is a choice and sometimes effort is needed. We've lost one hour already - no need to be losing any more!

Cool Tip: Want to avoid that time consuming, frustrating, infuriating feeling when you're threading a needle and the thread gets all tangled up? Rub a dryer sheet on the thread - and it'll straighten itself all out. See you've got much more time to enjoy yourself already !!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Beth: You're changing that boys life.
Leigh Anne Touhy: No, he's changing mine.
The Blind Side

The glitter and hoop-la have mostly died down from last night's Academy Awards. What is left are the compelling thoughts that are raised by the nights nominated films. I did love Avatar, with it's message of self discovery, The Hurt Locker certainly showed heroism and commitment, Up fulfilled a life long dream - even if it took tens of thousands of balloons to get there. But none more affected me than The Blind Side.

Leigh Anne Touhy had such caring, heart and compassion. She truly was blind to color, comments or criticism. She dug deep and truly changed the life of a young man, whose outcome could easily have gone another way. There are lessons to be learned from Hollywood, and this year proved to be a Master Class.

Cool Tip: Every wonder how those Hollywood Stars keep their plunging necklines intact?
Top Stick (available in Beauty Supply Stores), originally a toupee tape ... now widely used for all of types things!!