Sunday, February 28, 2010

And The Winner Is?

Neytiri: To become "taronyu, hunter, you must
choose your own Ikran and he must also choose you.
Jake Sully: When?
Neytiri: When you are ready.

With this town gearing up for the Academy Awards, I'm reminded of how it feels to be a winner and how it feels to be that loser. Losing isn't the best position, but honestly it's part of the game of life ... and if we attach too much to either winning or losing, we miss the opportunity to experience the game in the first place. I do wonder how those losers (with big TV cameras on them), clap and smile and look SO unfazed !

I personally need a moment to regroup after a disappointment ... but hopefully the regroup doesn't take very long! As Neytiri says in Avatar ... "when you are ready" ... so in life really. Being ready for whatever presents itself is key to the amount of grace that we handle situations with.

We're all winners ... really .. award or not!

Cool Tip: If you find yourself at the Academy Awards (or any other leg revealing event), during the long winter ... consider using L'Oreal Sublime Bronze Self Tanning Towelettes (surely beats a quick trip to the Tropics and costs less too).

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Life is like a box of chocolates -
you never know what your going to get.
Forrest Gump

On this Valentine's Day it's easy to reflect on Valentine's past ... being crazy in love, having a broken heart (that you (or I) felt would never mend), helping a small kid make Valentines' for his/her classmates, receiving a special Valentine from that little kid (who in my case is all grown up) ... but one thing is for sure .. they are all varied, just like Forrest Gump says "you never know what you're going to get. Certainty is just not part of the mix.

So wherever you may be on this Valentine's Day - grab your loved ones and give them a big HUG all around.

Cool Tip: AND if you need some chocolate - go for it .. if you happen to get some on your clothes - forget those stain remover sticks or baby wipes or even Shout or Zout ... use good old dishwashing detergent - that's what gets the stain out. And if you're heart needs some mending too, have FAITH .. it will.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

One shoe can change your life.

In Cinderella's case this was actually very true ... much depended upon her having the right shoe - or more accurately the right size foot. Circumstances certainly are a factor in how our lives work out, but more importantly how we create our circumstances and how we address them, are in my opinion, the real measure of our lives comfort and happiness.

We've all worn shoes that don't fit right - there is the school of dressing that believes it doesn't matter how uncomfortable you are, as long as the look is right. I totally get that - I've been pinched, rubbed, cramped, blistered ... all for the sake of fashion ... don't forget I was a fashion stylist before my transition to becoming a life coach. There are still times that I'd sacrifice my comfort for the right look (clothing wise), but what I've learned is not to sacrifice my inner comfort to appear something that I'm not.

Luckily for Cinderella, the shoe fit and she lived happily ever after. For the rest of us it may not be so simple. We sometimes find ourselves trying to fit into a job, a relationship, a life situation, without making the adjustment that would make us more comfortable and happy. (Don't forget to check .... there's give in all shoes).

Cool Tip for Packing Shoes - if you're in a relationship and your guys shoes are larger than yours - pack your shoes inside his - saves space and it's comfy for the shoes.