Sunday, February 14, 2010

Life is like a box of chocolates -
you never know what your going to get.
Forrest Gump

On this Valentine's Day it's easy to reflect on Valentine's past ... being crazy in love, having a broken heart (that you (or I) felt would never mend), helping a small kid make Valentines' for his/her classmates, receiving a special Valentine from that little kid (who in my case is all grown up) ... but one thing is for sure .. they are all varied, just like Forrest Gump says "you never know what you're going to get. Certainty is just not part of the mix.

So wherever you may be on this Valentine's Day - grab your loved ones and give them a big HUG all around.

Cool Tip: AND if you need some chocolate - go for it .. if you happen to get some on your clothes - forget those stain remover sticks or baby wipes or even Shout or Zout ... use good old dishwashing detergent - that's what gets the stain out. And if you're heart needs some mending too, have FAITH .. it will.


  1. I love the old fashioned valentines. When I was a kid it was my favorite holiday to see how many valentines I got and did the one who I liked send me one and what did he mean by those words.. I treasured that valentine as it was all about me of course.. I still like valentines day and still wonder, what did he mean by the words on that card.. thanks for your insights.. they mean a lot to me.

  2. I love your book and love your blog! It's the first one I join and am excited to read some more wisdom from you Jane. You are a great writer and have really found yourself in this. Very proud to know you :) xx
